Growing partnerships with India:

Advisory and support services for international universities, colleges and training organisations
Innovative Education Network Pvt. Ltd (IEN) provides dedicated services and support to education and training institutions seeking to develop partnerships and presence in India. Our international experience, local knowledge and access to the best advice help ensure we are able to offer cost-effective solutions to education and training projects. Similarly IEN offers its advice and services to Indian institutions that are keen to grow international partnerships.


The services offered by IEN include:

  • Organising and managing (as appropriate) a ‘Branded office’ for UK institutions seeking to establish a long-term presence in India.
  • Advising institutions on potential Indian partners that might best fit their objectives and priorities for working in India;
  • Researching and identifying opportunities for collaboration and market entry in India;
  • Providing profiles of potential partner institutions, to cover all key aspects of their operation: academic, financial and regulatory; 
  • Introducing institutions to potential Indian partners and advising on a development plan for any collaboration;
  • Providing advice and information concerning new opportunities, market developments and regulatory requirements in India;
  • Advising on the planning and development of in-India campuses for international institutions;
  • Planning and managing visits, workshops, seminars and events, including assistance with documents as well as marketing and communications;
  • Promoting the international university in India, including to potential clients;

In this context ‘partnerships’ include the teaching and collaborative delivery of programmes; research cooperation; staff development and exchanges; and student exchanges – both for study and work experience.

Another dedicated company is also developing a service to assist Indian students, graduating from foreign universities, to access information on employment opportunities in India. This web-based service is currently  made available to IEN’s international partner institutions in order that they might meet need to provide careers advice for their Indian students. The service is being developed in partnership with a large network involving many leading Indian employers. The service can be accessed at

Facilitating Internationalisation for Indian Education Organisations

IEN also provides dedicated services to Indian institutions for helping them internationalise. Advisory and Support services provided include:

  • Identifying international partners institutions for setting up “twinning arrangements”, semester abroad programmes, short term immersion programmes in international universities / education institutions
  • Developing partnerships to facilitate delivery programmes from foreign universities in India
  • Developing partnerships between Indian organisations and international universities for setting up branded campuses
  • Identifying international institutions that may assist Indian institutions for setting up education institutions of global standards
  • Provide complete solutions for Indian investers with regard to setting up education institutions. This may include “ Build, Operate, Transfer” of turn-key education projects or sub-components of such projects.
  • Help Indian institutions set up campuses abroad.
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